Tag Archives: lost soul

I Stress, But I Blog

Today is Tired Tuesday but it may as well be a Blogger’s Sick Day.  I left work after four hours due to a headache.  A nap helped a little,  but I am under stress.  Oh, get over yourself, me, we all have problems!  And so I try to at least make a blog post.

And nothing is coming.  I looked in my Media Library for a timely graphic but can find none.  What, I ask, is a blogger to do?

A depiction of how I feel.

This is  not what I was looking for,  but I find it appropriate.  I feel like a blob, oozy and a little disgusting, although I do try not to be as clingy.  People hate that and it never works.

No, I do not think I look like this.

No, this is me, a lost soul.  Now I really sound like I’m feeling sorry for myself.  I hope I am not.  But I need to find a way of dealing with all my stress.  There is no reason to burden you lovely people with it.

An oldie but a goodie.

I leave with a Tuesday meme.  The week progresses.  So will I, but right now I need a little more sleep.